Das Suchfenster im Bibliotheks- oder Archivkatalog öffnet uns Türen und Tore zu neuen Welten. Worüber wir beim Eintippen von Suchbegriffen aber oft nicht nachdenken, ist, dass dieses Fenster konzipiert ist, gebaut wurde und unterhalten wird. Es hat unterschiedliche Linsen, die uns Bestimmtes sehr deutlich sehen lassen, andere Dinge jedoch nur unscharf und umrisshaft – zum

Coloniality — it’s just really everywhere

In a conversation the information scientist Nora Schmidt talks about the prevalence of colonial structures in European libraries and exploring ways to disrupt those structures. Drawing on her PhD «The Privilege to Select. Global Research System, European Academic Library Collections, and Decolonisation» (2020) she traces processes that sustain coloniality and explore methods to actively reject

Why are the authors of the books I read so white, so male, so Eurocentric?

This text is an excerpt from a conversation between Lucie Kolb and Eva Weinmayr with members of the Feminist Search Tools group, a collective rethinking ways of sharing and distributing knowledge within library systems, held in September 2021 as part of «Session 4: Read–ability» of the Syllabus: Teaching the Radical Catalogue. Q: What is «Feminist

A Syllabus 2021–22: Course resources

The syllabus «Teaching the Radical Catalogue» is a means to create a support structure that hosts and connects a range of initiatives, users, and institutions invested in the three de-words: processes of de-universalizing, de-colonizing and de-patriarchalizing. For full references and hyperlinks, please visit the online syllabus: syllabus.radicalcatalogue.net. In contact with Bibliothek Wyborada, a women’s library