The Armenian capital is one of the oldest cities in the world, located at an intersection of the old Silk Road that led from China to the Mediterranean Sea. The first general plan of the modern city of Yerevan was drawn in the beginning of the soviet rule of Armenia in the early 20th century,

The City Overlooking Ararat

At the end of 1918, after the collapse of the Russian Empire, an independent state emerged in a small fragment of the historical Eastern Armenia. This was the First Republic of Armenia. Two years later it turned into the Second Republic or Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic, which existed tuntil 1991. The restoration of the Armenian

Stadtentwicklung in Jerewan

Die Grundidee der urbanen Planung Jerewans im 20. Jahrhundert basiert auf dem Konzept eines radialen Ringsystems mit ausgedehnten Parks und Gärten, einer Kombination von Amphitheater und Gartenstadt. Die Idee einer Garten-Stadt findet ihren Platz im Planungskonzept durch die Bewahrung einer städtischen Struktur mit einer breiten grünen Zone. Dies wird in Form von Gärten und öffentlichen

City of the sun planned as a garden city

«Garden city» – a combination of two words, that originated in order to revive urbanized cities. It is interesting to take a retrospective glance at how it was possible for the utopist idea of garden cities to turn into a global trend. Let us try to briefly present the main principles and the extent to