Ursula Rucker, Philly based poet and musician, postet in loser Folge Haikus1 auf Facebook. Der Zürcher Spoken Word Pionier und Lyrikexperte Jurczok 1001 hat sich mit der Grande Dame der amerikanischen Spoken Word Szene per Messenger darüber unterhalten.

16. Feb. 2016
Jurczok 1001: Hey Ursula! Rote Fabrik newspaper wants to dedicate the next issue to poetry in the internet – for example on facebook. So, I will have some space for your haikus. And it would be cool to do a skype interview. Deadline for my text is march 17. So it would be cool to have some of your haikus by the end of next week (Feb 28) and then skype one of the following days. Ok? One, two, one two, J

Ursula Rucker: Okay, okay. Sounds good! One, two, one, two :))

Real fly:-)

4. März 2016
Damn. I missed the deadline.

No worry, it’s an internal deadline for me. If you could send me 5-10 of your fav haikus today, it would be dope. And then we will skype at the beginning of the coming week, ok?

5. März 2016
I travelled to Massachusetts today. I’ll send haiku tomorrow (Saturday)

Ok! Good luck!

5. März 2016
I have been diggin’ in the crates: I’ve copied all the haikus I could find on your Facebook channel, from January till now. I think I’ve got some «material» to write about. But please send me one of your fav ever. This is probably not easier. Just make a decision of the moment! Sweet 17 😉

Hahahahaha. I took too damn long, you took matters into your own hands! I like that :))

One of my very faves. So which ones did you choose?

I want a man who
would love me even when
my life smells of loss
(that-real-kind-of-love type haiku)

this one I have chosen as well. then «push button response» because it reflects the medium (fb), where it is published. This is one point I want to talk about.

push button response.
instant gratification.
we need to slow down.
(slow-the-fuck-down type haiku)

I thought you might have ;))
how about this one?:

suffer the children
the lil black and brown children
in this unsafe place.
(for-Tamir-n’em type-haiku)

I «like» this one too. What’s the grammar of the first line? I also will take one with repetition (e.g. the one with «disappointment»). Because in this small space of three lines, there is certainly a point in making repetition.

disappointment is
a choice. choose something other
than disappointment.
(choose-well type haiku)

«suffer the children» is from a bible verse meaning to tolerate and accept the musings of children… but the way I use it in that haiku is a play on words… I really mean the black and brown children here in America really do suffer at the hands of those who hate them.

Thanks for the explanation. I like this one indeed. Very strong.

I like «the disappointment one» too

One thing I want to talk about per skype: Usually haikus describe moments of / in nature, like snow or a tree etc. to evoke a feeling. You start with feeling directly. No weaves and seasons.

Okay. Yes. Cool. I have so many, it’s hard to choose. I love this one:

Admitting that you
are lonely is not weakness
but just humanness.
(truth type haiku)

I haven’t seen this one. Yeah, also very pure. choose harder, send more! what about skyping now?

I wish I could. I’m in a hotel room
with three children :))
I’ll do some more research

cool! yes, take your time.

…Another question I have in mind is about the medium: Do you write these haikus «for» the medium facebook or do you write them «anyway»? Do you think of another medium of publication, e.g. a book of haikus? Or do you think fb is the «right» medium for this short form of poetry? – Hear you soon.

11. März 2016
Oh… I never answered your question about why I write haikus. I’ve really come to love writing them. It’s like a  meditation… like taking a little cleansing breath.

Jurczok 1001 hat für seine spartenübergreifende Performance «Spoken Beats» den Förderpreis des Kantons Zürich erhalten. Zuletzt erschien von ihm die EP ‹All die Jahr› (2014).
Ursula Rucker hat mit ‹Supa Sista› (2001) und ‹Ma’at Mama› (2006) zwei wegweisende Alben herausgegeben. Zahlreiche Featurings, u. a. für das legendäre Album ‹Phrenology› der Hip Hop Gruppe The Roots. www.myspace.com/ursularucker
Rucker und Jurczok verkörpern beide eine sehr musikalische Form von Spoken Word. Am 14. April treten sie solo und mit einem kurzen gemeinsamen Set im Clubraum der Roten Fabrik auf.
1 Haiku ist eine japanische Gedichtform, traditionell aus 17 Silben bestehend. «Im japanischen Urtext besteht ein Haiku aus drei Wortgruppen, die zusammen nicht mehr als siebzehn Silben umfassen; die Verteilung der Silbenzahl auf die Wortgruppen ist fünf-sieben-fünf.» S.115, Dietrich Krusche, Haiku. Japanische Gedichte. dtv Klassik, München, 1994.

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