Dans son film „My Life My Life My Life in the Sunshine“, l’anthropologue et artiste Noha Mokhtar s’intéresse à la façon dont les jeunes se représentent eux-mêmes et le monde dans lequel ils vivent à travers Instagram. Elle a invité dix jeunes femmes et jeunes hommes entre 20 et 30 ans, vivant à Genève et

My Life, My Life, My Life (DE)

In ihrem Film «My Life My Life My Life in the Sunshine» geht die Künstlerin und Sozialanthropologin Noha Mokhtar der Frage nach, wie junge Menschen sich selbst und ihre Welt auf Instagram darstellen. Sie hat zehn Genfer*innen mit Migrationshintergrund zwischen 20 und 30 eingeladen, ihre Stories vor einer Kamera nachzuspielen. Durch den Wechsel vom Smartphone

«For they shall be filled»

Eric Imseng was «a good agnostic» when he was young, studying to become an actor and stage director, when one day, a teacher made them read the last supper of Jesus and study its pictorial representation. The young student gradually grew interested and decided to spend a summer reading the four gospels. It was a

Where the grass is greener

Last night, going through my Facebook inbox, I found really old messages exchanged with my friend Kourosh, dated from 2008. This was a short time after he had left to study in Italy. Kourosh was advising me to leave Switzerland as well for a while, a country which he felt had become too overwhelming for